Sunday, January 10, 2010

Harlingen Christmas

For those of you that are close to us, you know December is a month of traveling for us. We have family in Houston and in Harlingen and like to see all of them when the holidays are here. This particular weekend (Dec 19th), we traveled down to Harlingen to visit Great Grandma (G.G.), Grandma (Grammy), Uncle Keith and Uncle Kevin. We arrived and what a wonderful welcome. Grammy always has the house so beautifully decorated for Christmas. We were soooooo excited to see everyone!

Sat evening we had a wonderful seafood dinner and then opened presents. Cort was soooooo excited when it was time to sit down and open the presents. He could hardly stand it.

Here is Cort trying to remain calm waiting for everyone to gather to open presents. In the meantime, we snagged a cute cute cute picture of Cort and G.G.

Time for a family picture, minus me (I was taking the pic!). What a wonderful family we have!!!! Love them bunches!

Mommy and Cort (one of the few pictures we have these days w/out the cheesball smile..LOL) I'm surprised he sat long enough for us to snag a picture of him...little busy body!

Finally, time to open the presents!! YAY! Cort opened the first present and it was a Black and Decker tool bench from Grammy. WOW, he was sooooooo excited!! He wanted to open it right then!!! Unfortunately, it required assembly so he had to wait. Poor fella!

Since we took turns opening one gift at a time, Cort had to be very patient. Which for a 3 year old, isn't that easy. Here is Cort rolling around on the couch being silly. Of course Mommy was right by him snapping pics. He was just sooo excited and happy!!

Here is a cute pic of Cort giving Uncle Keith a big hug for the cool race track he gave him. Too cute not to post!

After Daddy was soooo kind to assemble his tool bench, Cort played with it for hours! He absolutely loved this thing. Mommy highly suggests it to all with little boys this age!

AND here is Cort's Grammy the morning we left loving on her little man :)

What a wonderful time we had with our wonderful family. We are truely blessed and so thankful for them!!

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